Spectro Coating

Flock Coatings Apparel

Flock’s main use in apparel over the years has been used as a decorative feature. Flock adds color, texture, and an enhanced quality over printing.

While this decorative feature is important, flock has many performance features that can add value to various apparel products.

Current application – raincoats, jacket insulation, breathable films, dresses, hats, fringe, cuff and collars, graduation gowns.

Flock can:

  • Provide insulation in coats and sweaters. The fibers trap air like fleece or other insulation products.
  • Enhanced comfort – applied to a breathable film flock will enhance the comfort and not effect breathability.
  • Stretch – We can flock on stretch fabrics!
  • Provided a single layer composite rather the multilayers of fabric reducing weight and bulk. 
  • High wash cycles
  • Anti-Microbial, Anti-Viral, Water Repellent, Water-Proof, PCM, and other added value products
  • Color Matching– our dye house can color match to meet design needs
  • Custom Flock Printing and Embossing Capabilities – designs, textures, or logos can be easily customized at low starting costs.
  • Nylon, Polyester, Rayon, Cotton and Bio Degradable flocks available.

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